Nancy Pelosi stepping down from House leadership


Mama's lil stinker
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Worthy of its own thread, she's served well and nobody can blame her after the last couple of years.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced on Thursday that she will relinquish her leadership post after leading House Democrats for two decades, building a legacy as one of the most powerful and polarizing figures in American politics.

Pelosi’s long reign became a source of tension within her own party. She won the gavel after the 2018 elections by promising Democrats that she would leave her leadership post by 2022.

House Democrats appear likely to choose New York Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, 52, to succeed Pelosi as leader, though Democrats won’t vote until Nov. 30.

After her speech Thursday, Pelosi wouldn’t tell reporters who she would support. But House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer and House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn announced they would also step down from their leadership posts, and endorsed Jeffries to succeed Pelosi.


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I thought Clyburn might make a bid for the top leadership post. Glad he's also stepping away from leadership. With two weeks to go before the vote, I wonder if there will be competing camps. As of right now, I can't imagine anyone having the backing to challenge Jeffries.

Also glad that Pelosi will remain. She'll be a wise, necessary voice for the next two years.


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She goes out with a democrat president, a solid election cycle, holding a caucus together far better than her opponents, and at a great time to pass leadership to a new generation. I’m not happy to see her go, I’m happy for the timing and the way it’s being handled, and with optimism for the future. Democrats have solid people in both chambers who are younger and able to take on the role. Jeffries is a great choice and I’m happy to see his name as a contender.

Chew Toy McCoy

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Also nice to see they are acknowledging they need to step aside for the younger generation. Saying that alone could win votes and it doesn't cost them anything.

Unfortunately, you can't say the same thing for Republicans. Not because they don't think they should step aside for the younger generation (they probably don't), but when they look at their younger generation it's a complete freakshow of stupidity.

shadow puppet

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4th padded cell on the right
My post was elsewhere since I hate starting threads, but thank you @Eric. She definitely deserves a thread of her own.
Thank you Madam Speaker. You will be a very tough act to follow.



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Also nice to see they are acknowledging they need to step aside for the younger generation. Saying that alone could win votes and it doesn't cost them anything.

Unfortunately, you can't say the same thing for Republicans. Not because they don't think they should step aside for the younger generation (they probably don't), but when they look at their younger generation it's a complete freakshow of stupidity.

If DeSantis toned down his rhetoric and focused on fiscal policy and crime WITHOUT the racism he would be very hard to defeat. It will be interesting to see if he moderates himself to take on more voters, or does only what has worked for him in Florida.

He’s the only young guy I can think of. Everyone else on the right is too old, a nut job or a dirtbag. Or a combination of any or all of those things.


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She promised that when this term was over she would step down and she lived up to her word. I only wish Mitch McConnell had done the same. He promised he would retire if they didn’t take back the Senate.

That being said, Pelosi will be a role model for generations to come.


Mama's lil stinker
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Sorry, no way she'll get my vote. She's served her time and it's respectable (as I'm also on record saying for McConnell and Feinstein) but she is 83 years old. It's getting ridiculous and making the case that both parties need to institute term limits.


Chew Toy McCoy

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Sorry, no way she'll get my vote. She's served her time and it's respectable (as I'm also on record saying for McConnell and Feinstein) but she is 83 years old. It's getting ridiculous and making the case that both parties need to institute term limits.

I can’t comprehend the mindset of people who want to stay in a position of power into the grave. For most people if they had her level of wealth, or even a lot less, they would want to stop working ASAP and start enjoying life with little responsibility and chaos.


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Sorry, no way she'll get my vote. She's served her time and it's respectable (as I'm also on record saying for McConnell and Feinstein) but she is 83 years old. It's getting ridiculous and making the case that both parties need to institute term limits.

Exactly, give those up and coming Democrats a chance. How about mentoring/endorsing one or more of those up and coming stars in the party?


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Sorry, no way she'll get my vote. She's served her time and it's respectable (as I'm also on record saying for McConnell and Feinstein) but she is 83 years old. It's getting ridiculous and making the case that both parties need to institute term limits.

Term limits are something I agree with, but it’s hard to argue people should have the representation they want. Voters do have the power to set their own term limits. Perhaps if you allowed folks to run for the same seat again after serving their limit would help balance the power - you’re never stuck with someone indefinitely, but they can be brought back with the will of the voters.

As for Pelosi, I think she’s more than capable. I’m sensitive for not pushing people out solely because of age - I’m pretty sure an 83 year old Pelosi is infinitely more shrewd, intelligent and sharp than folks half her age like a Gaetz or Boebert. But at the same time, how many decades is enough and how do we judge when the line is crossed from just being old to their age interfering with the duties of the job?

And as others have mentioned, your health can decline fast at advanced ages. Look at the physical difference in McConnell in just two years -

So yeah, I don’t know. I agree we need younger people, shorter terms… but it would be nice if we had a less-partisan swath of voters who were more engaged and could make these things happen by the power of their vote.

Chew Toy McCoy

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In further abuse of Feinstein I think the long-term geriatric members of our government are going "Well, I'm not like that. So I'm good." It's like people who point to catastrophically failed countries as the only possible outcome to change from the status quo.


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Pelosi is on MSNBC right now and she’s sharp as a tack. I get the arguments and don’t disagree, but I’m watching her and it’s hard to say “she shouldn’t run again” based on her age. Length of time in office and even the affairs of SF would be better arguments. If you were just listening to her on the radio, you wouldn’t be able to guess her age.


Mama's lil stinker
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Pelosi is on MSNBC right now and she’s sharp as a tack. I get the arguments and don’t disagree, but I’m watching her and it’s hard to say “she shouldn’t run again” based on her age. Length of time in office and even the affairs of SF would be better arguments. If you were just listening to her on the radio, you wouldn’t be able to guess her age.
But what happens in a year or 2 if she starts having either physical or mental health issues? These people hang on to their positions and won't let go, even when they're no longer capable of making decisions anymore like Feinstein. She's also been in office for over 35 years, it hardly seems fair to those who are younger trying to break in.

It's not just Nancy, who I've always thought was great at her job. Not having term limits is a systemically bad idea and keeps us all complacent. What exactly would she change that she hasn't already attempted? Same goes for Trump or Biden, it'll just be the same old partisan battles over and over.
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