Rudy Giuliani: What in the ever loving fuck is wrong with him?


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Rudy, America’s Mayor, Rudy Colludy, Rudy Ghouliani, Co-Conspirator 1….

Seems this guy is facing his own Trump-like set of legal issues that will probably get worse, as I expect he too is facing federal charges and state charges in Georgia.

He’s also facing allegations of rape and abuse by a former consultant - and she has messages, calls and other evidence to back up her claims.

Looks like he was drinking a lot, and given his character when sober, that’s probably not a good idea.

It’s a pretty shocking way for a public figure to conduct themselves, but nothing new I suppose.

March 12, 2019

MR. GIULIANI: Come here, big t***. Come here, big t***. Your t*** belong to me.
Give them to me (indiscernible). I want to claim my t***. I want to claim my t***. I want to claim my t***. These are my t***,

MS. DUNPHY: Oh, yeah.

MR. GIULIANI: These breasts belong to me. Nobody else can get near these, okay? I don't care if they're flirting or they give you business cards. These are mine, you got it?


MR. GIULIANI: Understand? I'm very f****** possessive. I've gone easy on you.

MS. DUNPHY: I don't know.

MR. GIULIANI: I've been easy on you.

MS. DUNPHY: You're pretty tough on me.

MR. GIULIANI: I've been easy on you. Give them to me.

MS. DUNPHY: Maybe --



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He may or may not need a 12-step intervention, but this may be more than just a punchline… it could be integral to debunking Trump was “just relying on counsel” arguments.



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It's simply astonishing how previously respected people like Rudy Giuliani ("America's Mayor") and Senator Lindsey Graham trash their reputations and demean themselves for a piece of human garbage like Donald Trump. I guess it comes down to the old saying about power corrupting.


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It's simply astonishing how previously respected people like Rudy Giuliani ("America's Mayor") and Senator Lindsey Graham trash their reputations and demean themselves for a piece of human garbage like Donald Trump. I guess it comes down to the old saying about power corrupting.

The stunning part is that it’s the very sullying of their reputations that is the fuel Trump needs to keep going. It’s also why Trump keeps breaking laws and doing terrible things.

I thought not rewarding bad behavior was something you learn fairly young, but it’s all republicans seem to know how to do with Trump. Not only that, they go out of their way to do it. Nobody makes Graham go on TV and cry literal tears for Trump while begging viewers to send a billionaire all their money.

I’m guessing Rudy probably thought “America’s Mayor” would be on his gravestone, but now it’s a footnote. “Tried, Failed To Steal the 2020 Presidential Election” should be the headline.

Do you even know, for sure, what he is like sober? Can you say with certainty that you have ever seen him not toasted?

Not sure, and if I’ve never seen him sober, it wouldn’t pardon his behavior, but it would definitely explain it.


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What the hell is wrong with these Trump associates who used to seem like rational people? I mean, some people have superpowers like being able to read people, sing enchantingly, rock any pair of sunglasses, etc. I firmly believe Trump’s superpower is causing actual brain damage to anyone who listens to him.


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What the hell is wrong with these Trump associates who used to seem like rational people? I mean, some people have superpowers like being able to read people, sing enchantingly, rock any pair of sunglasses, etc. I firmly believe Trump’s superpower is causing actual brain damage to anyone who listens to him.

It seems to also extend to his attorneys making incredibly stupid assertions to judges on trump's behalf.

Yesterday Judge Chutkan ruled on trump's desire to push his DC trial out to 2026. trump's lead attorney said that there were strong parallels with the 1931 Scottsboro Boys case (9 black kids falsely accused of raping two white women, resulting in a rushed trial six days after indictment, and resulting in being sentenced to death) in that Jack Smith wasn't giving trump's attorneys enough time to mount a defense for a too speedy of a trial.

Chutkan was having none of that nonsense and gave them a good beatdown before setting a trial date in March 2024.

I have a suspicion trump, being the stable genius he is, insisted his attorney's use that strategy.


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It seems to also extend to his attorneys making incredibly stupid assertions to judges on trump's behalf.

Yesterday Judge Chutkan ruled on trump's desire to push his DC trial out to 2026. trump's lead attorney said that there were strong parallels with the 1931 Scottsboro Boys case (9 black kids falsely accused of raping two white women, resulting in a rushed trial six days after indictment, and resulting in being sentenced to death) in that Jack Smith wasn't giving trump's attorneys enough time to mount a defense for a too speedy of a trial.

Chutkan was having none of that nonsense and gave them a good beatdown before setting a trial date in March 2024.

I have a suspicion trump, being the stable genius he is, insisted his attorney's use that strategy.
I saw that. It’s just bonkers.


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It seems to also extend to his attorneys making incredibly stupid assertions to judges on trump's behalf.

First of all, I think Trump is scraping the bottom the barrel for lawyers, thus he obviously cannot have the best ones.
But secondly, how can one defend the indefensible? He could have the best lawyers and even they would probably use the delay tactic, because it's the only thing that might work.


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It seems to also extend to his attorneys making incredibly stupid assertions to judges on trump's behalf.

Yesterday Judge Chutkan ruled on trump's desire to push his DC trial out to 2026. trump's lead attorney said that there were strong parallels with the 1931 Scottsboro Boys case (9 black kids falsely accused of raping two white women, resulting in a rushed trial six days after indictment, and resulting in being sentenced to death) in that Jack Smith wasn't giving trump's attorneys enough time to mount a defense for a too speedy of a trial.

Chutkan was having none of that nonsense and gave them a good beatdown before setting a trial date in March 2024.

I have a suspicion trump, being the stable genius he is, insisted his attorney's use that strategy.
That’s like an SNL skit. That’s their level of absurdity.


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That’s like an SNL skit. That’s their level of absurdity.

It really is, and can totally see it. Some of the SNL cast playing trump lawyers having a strategy session to delay trump's trial:

1. Hey... Judge Chutkan is black. And and a woman, right?

2. Whatabout that Scottsboro trial almost 100 years ago? You know, where those nine black children were falsely accused of raping a white woman. And they were railroaded into a trial a week after their indictment. With no time to prepare a defense. All found guilty and given a death sentence.

3. Yeah... we can use that as an example of what can happen having too speedy of a trial for trump. Especially with Chutkan being black and feeling for those innocent kids she'll surely understand how trump is being railroaded just like those kids were. IT'S THE SAME THING!

4. Sounds like a winner!


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That’s like an SNL skit. That’s their level of absurdity.
trump buys only the best. what do you expect when you dont have any lawyers left that some integrity? no matter how much they are paid their careers are going to be permanently tarnished as trump brings out the stupid in them.

Chew Toy McCoy

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First of all, I think Trump is scraping the bottom the barrel for lawyers, thus he obviously cannot have the best ones.
But secondly, how can one defend the indefensible? He could have the best lawyers and even they would probably use the delay tactic, because it's the only thing that might work.

This is probably the only time I applaud lawyers for being the leeches that they are. Insist Trump pay up front and continue to or they are done. Then at some point when they’ve had enough fun, made enough money, and not completely destroyed their reputation insist on doing something sane and ethical. At that point Trump will fire them. Cha-ching. Trump has become little more than an ATM machine between his rubes and lawyers.
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