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Reacher S2

Release Date: December 15, 23. Three episodes will drop on this date followed by one a week until all eight have been released.

I have now read the book and not quite sure how it will translate to TV as it has a lot of moving parts. But we shall see.
I loved the first season. Don’t read the books so I don’t care. Come on Dec 15!


Resident Redneck
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I loved the first season. Don’t read the books so I don’t care. Come on Dec 15!

The books are, well let's just say "wordy" and not quick reads. But when you are on a plane with little else to do, they suffice.

And the story behind this season is good, but just a lot of moving parts to be crammed into 8 episodes.

But looking forward to it. Offspring and I are hoping to keep the drop a secret so we can 1) surprise the wife and 2) all watch it together when the offspring is home for 3 weeks. (Yes, 3 weeks - her company basically closes from the 16th through the 7th :oops: )


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The Misty Mountains
The Fall of the House of Usher (2023 Netflix Limited Series)- 2 Episodes in- PASS! Dark, heidonistic, evil drug company family, evil haunts, and blah, blah, blah, blah, just did not grab me. 😐


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I loved the first season. Don’t read the books so I don’t care. Come on Dec 15!
Loved it as well. Alan Ritchson is the Reacher Tom Cruise couldn’t be. That’s no knock on Cruise’s acting or stunt abilities, but he just wasn’t as believable in the role.

One of the things I liked in S1 was the relationship between Reacher and Roscoe. I hope there’s something as compelling in S2.


Resident Redneck
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Loved it as well. Alan Ritchson is the Reacher Tom Cruise couldn’t be. That’s no knock on Cruise’s acting or stunt abilities, but he just wasn’t as believable in the role.

One of the things I liked in S1 was the relationship between Reacher and Roscoe. I hope there’s something as compelling in S2.

I saw the first movie before I ever read any of the books. So I didn't know Reacher was supposed to be a mini-Hulk. So it worked. But I did read a couple of the books before Never Look Back came out and yeah, Cruise no longer worked.

Ritchson is perfect.

Don't know if any of you do this, but once I have seen a character in a movie, when I read other books in that series, I picture the actor as I am reading. For example, on a recent flight I read Grisham's The Exchange. It catches up with Mitch McDeere from The Firm 15 years later. So as I am reading, I picture TC as McDeere. And the last Reacher book I read, I was picturing AR as I read it. So he has become the character.


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I saw the first movie before I ever read any of the books. So I didn't know Reacher was supposed to be a mini-Hulk. So it worked. But I did read a couple of the books before Never Look Back came out and yeah, Cruise no longer worked.

Ritchson is perfect.

Don't know if any of you do this, but once I have seen a character in a movie, when I read other books in that series, I picture the actor as I am reading. For example, on a recent flight I read Grisham's The Exchange. It catches up with Mitch McDeere from The Firm 15 years later. So as I am reading, I picture TC as McDeere. And the last Reacher book I read, I was picturing AR as I read it. So he has become the character.
I do that, sort of. For example, I'll always think of Mark Hamill when I read about Luke Skywalker in any context. And when I re-read any of the Lord of the Rings books, the movie actors will come to mind. It's less clear when a role has been played by several actors. Still, I picture Christopher Reeve as Superman and Sean Connery as James Bond.

I haven't seen any of the Reacher movies, but I've watched quite a few clips, including the one where he fights several guys outside a bar after he insults the sister of one of them. I know you don't have to be massive to do what Reacher did in the movie, but it seemed so staged. On the other hand Alan Ritchson looks like he could have taken them on.


Resident Redneck
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I haven't seen any of the Reacher movies, but I've watched quite a few clips, including the one where he fights several guys outside a bar after he insults the sister of one of them. I know you don't have to be massive to do what Reacher did in the movie, but it seemed so staged. On the other hand Alan Ritchson looks like he could have taken them on.

I can't remember if that fight was in that book or not. The difference is AR probably wouldn't have had to take them on because they wouldn't have messed with him.

On the other hand, I have seen small, scrappy guys hold their own in fights so you just never know.


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The Fall of the House of Usher (2023 Netflix Limited Series)- 2 Episodes in- PASS! Dark, heidonistic, evil drug company family, evil haunts, and blah, blah, blah, blah, just did not grab me. 😐
The best part of Usher was Mark Hamill. He was brilliant! We really enjoyed the entire show.
Don't know if any of you do this, but once I have seen a character in a movie, when I read other books in that series, I picture the actor as I am reading. For example, on a recent flight I read Grisham's The Exchange. It catches up with Mitch McDeere from The Firm 15 years later. So as I am reading, I picture TC as McDeere. And the last Reacher book I read, I was picturing AR as I read it. So he has become the character.
This is why I can’t see the movie if I’ve read the book. I already have the character cemented in my mind. Usually the author paints a very vivid picture of the character. Then along comes an actor who doesn’t even have the right hair color.


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Apparently I’m an old soul. Read an article earlier saying HBO’s The Gilded Age is only tracking well with the 55+ crowd. I’ve been enjoying it and am not quite in that age group yet.

But I have to admit it’s kind of a hard sell at this point in history. Economically today is being compared to the gilded age and that’s far from a compliment, and yet the show is celebrating it and at least this season there is no sign of showcasing the vast wealth inequality. Even the main black character’s family is relatively well off and racism is only mentioned in the most polite of terms and largely revolves around societal limitations. Maybe I’m asking a bit much for them to go outside this segment of society during that era, but it almost feels like an insulting missed opportunity based on current views.
I’ve been watching S2 and enjoying it more than the first. Without giving anything away, there’s more focus on racism and wealth inequality. Also, I’m approaching it more as a soap opera that happens to be set in the late 19th century than a historical drama.

Chew Toy McCoy

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The Fall of the House of Usher (2023 Netflix Limited Series)- 2 Episodes in- PASS! Dark, heidonistic, evil drug company family, evil haunts, and blah, blah, blah, blah, just did not grab me. 😐

Don't know if this would make it more intriguing for you, but the overall story is based on Edgar Allan Poe's The Fall of the House of Usher and each episode also ties in a different Poe story.

Slightly different from Flanagan's past series but I also really enjoyed it once I accepted the overall vibe and he did a brilliant job of tying everything together. There are a lot of things throughout the show that you think don't make sense but there's always a later good explanation.


Whatwerewe talk'n about?
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The Misty Mountains
Don't know if this would make it more intriguing for you, but the overall story is based on Edgar Allan Poe's The Fall of the House of Usher and each episode also ties in a different Poe story.

Slightly different from Flanagan's past series but I also really enjoyed it once I accepted the overall vibe and he did a brilliant job of tying everything together. There are a lot of things throughout the show that you think don't make sense but there's always a later good explanation.
There was a level of darkness that I was not in the mood for and not talking about the supernatural aspect, just the family, and too much talking . :D It reminded me in a different way of why I turned off Breaking Bad. I was done after episode 2:
The bastard son who wants to make a hedonistic difference. There is an old family abandoned lab, with “water” tanks on top, but no one checks, who know what is in these tanks, but we’ll assume it’s water, and we’ll douse orgy goers with it, actually made me cringe.. Nothing supernatural about that, just stupid. :)
Which Poe story does this mirror? It’s been a long time since I read Poe.


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Honestly, it helps to think of this as someone trying to create something off the bones of the books, rather than adapting them. It’s wildly inaccurate to the books. But it’s clear that Goyer at least gets some of what the books want to say, and mines the same sources of inspiration Asimov did to flesh out things he wants to flesh out that were not even touched on in the books. So yeah, seeing more Rome-inspired bits tickles me. Falling into the trap of warping interesting characters to make them more mainstream for the Marvel audience less so. I’m honestly torn because this show does as much well, as it blunders.

I also give Goyer props for diversifying the cast and playing with different future ethnic groups. My complaints about Hardin for example are that she should have been a steely diplomat and rolling in the drama and conflict that can bring rather than just make her another action hero type. Hardin got through the first crisis in the books with his tongue, and I would to have loved to see that on screen, and I think the actress they cast was absolutely up to the task if that’s what they asked of her.
I just finished season 2 today and enjoyed it more than season 1 from what I remember. I read it's been greenlit for another season, but by the time that rolls around I'll probably have forgotten what came before, LOL. I don't mind cliffhangers and endings that leave you wanting more, but not when they're years apart as they often are these days.

Chew Toy McCoy

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There was a level of darkness that I was not in the mood for and not talking about the supernatural aspect, just the family, and too much talking . :D It reminded me in a different way of why I turned off Breaking Bad. I was done after episode 2:
The bastard son who wants to make a hedonistic difference. There is an old family abandoned lab, with “water” tanks on top, but no one checks, who know what is in these tanks, but we’ll assume it’s water, and we’ll douse orgy goers with it, actually made me cringe.. Nothing supernatural about that, just stupid. :)
Which Poe story does this mirror? It’s been a long time since I read Poe.

As far as the family, I thought I wouldn’t like Succession for similar reasons. The whole spoiled rich family controlling everything with little to no regards for others really doesn’t appeal to me. But being a huge Flanagan fan I sucked it up on that aspect. Plus each family member suffers a horrific death. 😉 Flanagan shows are very dialog heavy, I’ll give you that. On your spoiler, I did find that end a little cheesy but it does fit in with connecting the family legacy. The name of each episode is which Poe story it is based on, glad they didn’t get obtusely clever on that one.


Resident Redneck
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Reacher dropped a day early. Went to tune into the game and there is was. Couldn't help myself and watched 5 minutes. :)

The bad news is the offspring has some projects to finish before she leaves for break and won't be home Sunday like planned. Have to wait until Wednesday. :oops:


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Reacher dropped a day early. Went to tune into the game and there is was. Couldn't help myself and watched 5 minutes. :)

The bad news is the offspring has some projects to finish before she leaves for break and won't be home Sunday like planned. Have to wait until Wednesday. :oops:
I watched S2E1 last night, and my lack of willpower led me to finish the first three episodes, which were released together. I think you and your daughter will enjoy it/them, too. I don't want to give any of the plot away, even with spoiler tags, but my impression so far is that Reacher is relying less on his ability to take on a horde of bad guys single-handed and more on his smarts and tactics. That may change as the season progresses, but I like the change.

BTW, a third season is on the way - Alan Ritchson confirmed it's already in production.


Resident Redneck
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I watched S2E1 last night, and my lack of willpower led me to finish the first three episodes, which were released together. I think you and your daughter will enjoy it/them, too. I don't want to give any of the plot away, even with spoiler tags, but my impression so far is that Reacher is relying less on his ability to take on a horde of bad guys single-handed and more on his smarts and tactics. That may change as the season progresses, but I like the change.

BTW, a third season is on the way - Alan Ritchson confirmed it's already in production.

No spoilers for me as I have read the book it is based on. ;) But Wednesday night, here I come.

Great news on S3.


Resident Redneck
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I haven't read the books, though I'm tempted. But I've heard the show often departs from the story.

The books are very wordy. They could easily be 25% shorter and still get the story across.

It has been a long time since I read The Killing Floor, but what I remember the series was close. I read Bad Luck & Trouble within the past year or so (when I found out it was going to what S2 was based on) and I don't think there is any way they could stay 100% true to the book.

But this format certainly tells the story better than cramming them into a 2 hour movie.
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